
In the late 1990’s, before dating apps (Grindr, Tinder, Scuff, etc.), there was gay.com, a Java-based chat website where one didn’t have to post a picture and could talk to people entirely anonymously. It is where I explored my sexuality and the possibility of me being gay in my 20s. I was filled with shame at the idea of being gay, and there are still some parts of that there, but it was a safe place, and I met a guy who changed my life.

He is Alex, and we met the second night we talked because he seemed safe, genuine and pure. We met the second night, talked for hours, and walked even longer. He was cute, but more importantly, he was kind and warm-hearted and could listen. It was love at first sight for me. We moved three or four months after we met and lived together for 2 years.

Alex was my first everything. He put up with a lot of my growing pains to become a fully formed gay person – one who accepts who I am and is continuing to be more comfortable with that. Looking back, I feel a sense of guilt at how I was: childish and immature even though I was older than him. I messed up a few times at the end of our relationship, and when he had the ‘talk’ about how our relationship had evolved into a friendship rather than a relationship, I was hurt. I was moving to Korea and didn’t see the ‘talk’ coming for some reason. I became worse and still feel bad about it today.

When I moved to Korea in my first year, I still longed for him and our relationship, but he moved on to another. I was hurt but more because I didn’t understand. Life moves on, and it is hard to when you are alone. Over the years, we would meet when I would come back. It felt good but a bit awkward, mostly from my end. Until we met in 2017, the last time I was dating someone, he said, “You should be dating someone who deserves you.” I was offended, but I did what I usually do instead of saying something – I cut him off. Over the years, I would write and mildly engage through social media, but nothing meaningful.

Tonight, we met with his partner for several years. Alex took me to a local Chinese restaurant, something I craved when I was in Canada for too long. It felt like our conversation wasn’t natural. I have this weird thing where I emotionally remember everything, like it’s part of who I am. Some details stick to me. Through research, I know it is partially because of my ADHD and partially because I keep a journal. Not remembering my past has always been my greatest fear, but in recent years, I have learned also to record my emotions.

The conversations tonight felt weird because they were bits and pieces of information I had previously discussed, but that was back in 2017. My mind was saying, “why don’t you remember this?” It is the problem of my memory making me feel like it was yesterday instead of 7 years ago. It was going through my mind, but I mindfully brought myself back to why we have lost contact – partially because I tend to cut others off and while holding on too much in my thoughts and emotions. Doing these two things don’t make sense and yet I do them.

Alex’s partner is incredibly friendly, kind, talkative and warm. We bonded and felt good. At the night's end, I talked about how I will return with my new love in the summer. He asked if we could meet up then, and we will. I need to improve at this – keeping in contact with the good people in my life.

Just before Christmas, my grandmother fell and reinjured her pelvis. She is 98 years old, and made me worried that I wouldn’t see her again. My mother has also been ill for a while as well. These things made me book a flight home to Canada.

My grandmother has always lived on her own. She feels she doesn’t need any support. She cooks, cleans and takes care of herself up to this point. My mom lives about 2 hours away, depending on traffic. In talking to my Grandma, you don’t feel like you are talking to a 98-year-old woman but someone in her 70s. She is cognitively aware. With the fall, I was prepared for all this to change with the fear of falling again or maybe some decline.

When I met her, she was on her walker, going down the hallway without anyone around. She uses the wall more to guide her, which is fine. She talked a lot, asking me about my flight, how the food was, and such. Her speech is a lot slower and taking my time to ask or explain things. She wanted to go out and get some food since there were no groceries and we took her to the grocery store.

At the Metro with other shopers

We dropped her off at the store and I pulled out a cart. She walked around with her list picking up things and putting others back. I asked my mom if I should go with her, and she said no. She can do it on her own and did. I went to get some things I need which I haven’t packed and usually get on the way out while she pushed the huge cart (compared to her) around the store. I am guessing she used the cart to support her. It was impressive, but then again, that is my Grandmother.

It is Sunday morning (3:11 am) and we are not sure if she will go to church today and will let things go as they may. It feels weird to allow someone who is supposed to be frail wondering around the huge shop on her own, but if I try to help, I will get yelled at “I can do it on my own.” Yep she can.

I am a Native English Teacher (NET) employed by the Hong Kong Government’s Education Department. I’ve worked at three schools thus far but am employed by the Government, which has checked (and double-checked) my credentials and ensured I am a qualified teacher. I am hired and can be fired by the school, but I am paid and managed by the Government. Every school in Hong Kong has one NET teacher if the Government funds it. There are rumblings, and all of this will change.

The Government is under a lot of pressure to cut costs and find efficiencies. It is not new. All governments are doing the same thing around the world. One idea is to decentralize the funding and give the schools a subsidy. Schools would be free to do whatever they wanted with the money. They could retain their current NET at the exact cost or decide to use the funds to hire two or three other NETs based on their own requirements and needs. It makes sense on a lot of levels.

In recent years, the Education Department has cut the number of teaching hours for English and increased the hours for other subjects – National Security, National Identity, and the teaching of Mandarin as it is more of a focus for the Government. While teaching hours have been reduced, the curriculum and the demands through exams and tests have remained the same. NETs, through the Education Department, are required to teach a set number of hours. These hours have not changed, but giving more flexibility to the schools would allow the schools to reduce the number of hours the NETs teach and provide more time to cover the textbook – which is on the assessments and exams. The move makes sense.

The flexibility offered by this proposal would be welcomed by some schools. If a school is lucky enough to find NETs who are well-trained, have a strong educational background, and have a lot of experience, everything will work out great. It would be a challenge for schools that struggle to attract talent.

These changes to the NET Scheme are proposals and from a few principals and administrators. The government is under financial pressure but also pressure to provide the same level of service. It will be interesting to see how it finds this balance if these changes become reality.

I got a bit older over the weekend. The past few years I had been feeling the age creep up. Professionally, I am comfortable where I was but personally there were issues. People were coming and going in my life more and more. There was this fear of growing old – alone.

This year, the feeling wasn’t as strong. It is because I found someone who may stick around a bit longer. It is someone with whom I feel I can build something. I have been hesitent at the beginning but he has won over my trust and feel I can build a future together more and more. It’s a good feeling.

There are other worries. The older I get, the older my mother, my grandmother and the other important people in my life get as well. They say old age is not for the weak. The more I grow the more I am under,standing this idea. It is getting harder it feels but it’s also rewarding.

I am lucky to have someone to share the challenges and joys.

I got the message last week from my brother. My 98-year-old grandmother fell and re-injured her pelvis. When they looked at it, she has a fracture. She would need to be on some mild painkillers and needs rest. She lives alone, in her own house, with no support. My mother drove the two hours north to care for her mother.

Living overseas is a fantastic experience, and I have been lucky to have had the chance for the past twenty years. The only drawback is when these things happen. I can’t help, run over, or lend a hand. All I can do is be a voice on the phone and try to offer some solutions and some understanding. It is tough, which is one of the costs of living so far away from family.

It is hard to hear the frustration in my mom’s voice as she tries to navigate the healthcare system back in Canada. There is this urge to make suggestions – you should, you could, you must…. It gives me the feeling of doing something or helping, even though it isn’t. These suggestions are adding more to her stress and strain, but it only makes me think I am helping when I may not be. I still remember when my father got ‘sick.’ It was a nasty skin rash, and then a few weeks later, he passed. It adds to the anxiety. It happened once, so that it can happen again.

I bought a ticket home for the Chinese New Year. After all the jet lag, it will be only ten full days there, but at least I will be home to do something.

I finally put up the Christmas Board in front of the English room. It is something I’ve been procrastinating for a long time. It’s the one part of my job where my motivation is not there.

I spent most of my lessons in an ‘English room’ where the students who came in must speak English. The room is decorated with English words, phrases, pictures and other things to help the kids have enough resources to do the writing, speaking and reading in the classroom. The board is in front of the room and takes up a lot of space.

Changing and maintaining the board is one of my ‘duties’ or my ‘responsibility,’ but it is usually ignored or unnoticed. That is why changing the board ranks low on my priority list. I still need to change it. I still need to maintain it. If it is mentioned, I feel guilty about not changing it. The last display was a ‘welcome back to school’ display. It has been up since September.

I did a Christmas one this year, as I have done last year as well. I went to Sham Shui Po, an area of Hong Kong where there is a ‘street of Christmas decorations.’ The street is called Fuk Wing Street and where a lot of the toy and stationary shops are found in the area. It would make the board easy to put up. I was lucky to have my partner to help me ask and find things which can help make the board nice.

I put it up today since it is December 1st and feel Christmas decorations shouldn’t be put up until now. As I was putting it up, the kids would walk by and mention how the board looks ‘nice.’ A few gave me a thumbs up, which was great to see.

It is up and will need to change it quicker, when I get back from the Christmas holidays in the New Year.

When my love left Hong Kong, it was hard, and I fell into a depression. Hong Kong in 2022 wasn't the best place with the borders closed up due to COVID. There was fear in the city because of the pandemic and the changes in society caused by 2019. The only thing keeping me through was my love for my partner. When he left, things for me got worse in my mood. I realized how much my life was built around him.

A few months later, I met someone through a hook-up app. I was looking for someone to talk to and not hook up with. We met, talked and enjoyed the time together. Brian just arrived in Hong Kong and went through the 21-day quarantine at his own expense when we met. He was new to the city, and it was amazing to show someone the place that I loved. The newness of things was a fantastic feeling. At the time, I still longed for my partner.

Over the months, we grew close. I've had problems with my feet for a long time until it came to a point where I needed surgery to have one of my feet reconstructed. I would be housebound – unable to move for a month. Brian would come an hour out of his way to care for me. He bought food and kept me occupied while I recovered. He moved in; I fell for him.

He is an interior designer working in food and beverage in Hong Kong in a time of hope, before the opening when new businesses anticipated more growth, which never happened. Restaurants and bars have been crushed here, with the value of the HKD (pegged to the US) being too high for places to survive. He wasn't getting paid on time. He had his extended family to support. There was pressure, and I tried to help bridge the gaps. It was hard for him, causing a lot of stress. I tried to help where I could.

Eventually, there was no work. Brian was told we would love to hire you, but you can't speak Chinese (Cantonese/Mandarin). There was a job offer in Dubai, and he accepted it. I may have pushed because I knew Brian would need to do something other than interior design to survive in HK. He would struggle to support his family, and the pay for a Non-Chinese and non-Western' person as an English teacher would be low.

He is struggling. There are messages full of sadness and loneliness while I try to support him emotionally as best as I can. I feel a bit of guilt for pushing him to go. I feel sad about his situation and understand time helps, yet I don't want him to suffer. I care and worry about him but at a loss as to how to help, how to comfort when he is so far away.

I don’t know what to do.

Teaching is my profession. Counselling is also my profession. For both, I ensure I am prepared – as close to perfect as can be. It is never the goal but it is something to strive for since it is for the betterment of others. I do not ask for perfection in my life, in how I keep things which don't affect others. My only ask is my work is respected by the professionals around me.

When it is not, then I get cranky. It happened today when a teacher was late by 30 minutes. If they are 5 minutes late, it is understandable. If it is 10 then it is OK. When it is more than crankiness comes in. It grows even more when there is no notice – a message. When they come without an apology or something then it gets worse. It is not an excuse but an acknowledgement of being late or at least a respect for what I do and the effort put in.

The students came into the classroom as expected. They lined up outside the class and marched in groups except him. He ran in as fast as he could and started spinning around. I wasn't bothered, but the other teacher was trying to 'control him.' It was no use. I let him do as he pleased but gently tried to ask him if he would want to sit down and relax a bit. He grunted and let him be.

I am an English Teacher, and most of my lessons are taught by a local Chinese Teacher. I have been doing this for several years and know the ebbs and flows of how to teach here in Hong Kong. I will do everything in some classes while the local teacher will manage the class. In rare classes, we co-teach and finish each other's sentences. Either way, the needs of the students are met. When there is an SEN student, I tend to be more understanding with my background as an SEN student and my experiences working with students with challenges.

It was the first time it didn't work, and I was at a loss. The student didn't understand the need to sit still. The student didn't understand the importance of not bothering others. The other students were getting annoyed as the student would talk, touch and bother the other students. The local teacher tried to control. I tried to control a bit until I saw how all our energy was going to this boy instead of the class. The class's needs were not being met. It was not helpful.

I asked for help and was given suggestions, such as building a relationship outside the class. I am already doing that. Maybe I could use a reward system, which is already being used. We could place him in an area where he won't be a bother – it has already been done.

In previous schools, students with significant issues would be supported by a family member in the classroom. I have had mothers, aunts, and grandparents sit with students to help soothe their transition into school. Over time, the students would get better and start learning. I could see progress, and it was a wonderful thing. My fear is I won’t see it with this student.

A suggestion is to ignore the child. That hurts the most as it goes against everything about me.

I don’t know what to do and feel frustrated.

I woke up and took a pill. It was a Vyvanse for ADHD.

I was diagnosed with it over 46 years ago but hadn't tried medication until 10 years ago. I take Vyvanse when I know I won't be engaging with many people but still need it to focus on getting things done. It helps me focus on whatever my brain is focused on – either on task or not. I tend not to overthink and be an over-perfectionist on the tasks I am working on. It helps, but only when I am not with other people.

Being social on Vyvanse, Concerta, or Ritalin is not good. For me, it is different; it removes the filter and eliminates any emotion from being with people. The pill turns me into a pure, logical person. I get tasks done but I am not good around people. I am a primary school teacher, and making meaningful connections is essential. It is also vital for me as a person. Connecting with others is what I crave most and why I don't take it often.

I rarely use medication to manage my ADHD. The last time was when I went to the library for 8 hours to study in August. For me, the social costs of the medication outweigh the benefits of being productive. I need to be around people. Vyvanse makes me feel like I am not a good person to be around.

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